🇬🇧 Wednesday 14/08/24 🇮🇱 Day 313 🎗 3 HEADLINES, 7 NEWS a 1 COMMENT…

🚩  UN condemns IDF attack on Jihad command room located in school

🚩  Mossad, Shin Bet chiefs to take part in hostage deal summit on Thursday

🚩  Hamas to skip Doha talks, but open to meet mediators afterward

🔷  Heated meeting on Sunday in Tehran exposed a significant rift between Iran and terror proxies Hezbollah, Hamas, which escalated into a verbal clash. https://lnk.sk/jfgp

🔷 Iran advancing research on nuclear bomb detonators. Very large amounts of Iranian academic research have been refocused to advancing issues relevant to nuclear bomb detonation. https://lnk.sk/aoag

🔷 Hamas launched rockets from a site near the Humanitarian Aid Route toward central Israel on Tuesday. Hamas continues to place rocket launchers next to humanitarian and civilian sites. https://lnk.sk/bdfa 

🔷 Only a select few “trusted” individuals know where Hamas leader Sinwar is, and he conveys messages to the rest of the terror group’s leadership via a series of intermediaries to avoid detection. https://lnk.sk/qutz 

🔷 Five prominent Jerusalem-based rabbis reiterating the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s prohibition on visits to the Temple Mount by Jews. https://lnk.sk/czxg 

🔷 National Unity chairman Benny Gantz visits Rahat to meet with the four residents who were attacked by settlers. “I came to apologize on behalf of the absolute majority of the Israeli public,” https://lnk.sk/hcor

🔷 Russian President Putin told visiting Palestinian Authority President Abbas on Tuesday that Moscow was pained by the plight of his people and backed aspiration to create a fully fledged state. https://lnk.sk/mcv7

🔵 COMMENT of the day: Hostage Deal: Ceasefire and Islam 2.0

Aviram Bellaishe for Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

It should be understood that a “ceasefire” in Western terms is equivalent to a hudna (truce) in Hamas’s terms. A hudna is a temporary break from war and does not indicate a desire to end it and achieve peace. A hudna will occur only when Hamas concludes that the IDF is close to defeating it if the war continues. Only at that moment will Hamas call to negotiate a hudna—a tactical move in the jihadist war, aimed at taking a break to regroup and rearm to resume the battle. Jihadists can break the hudna whenever they feel that the enemy is weak enough and the situation is ripe for a surprise attack, similar to what happened on October 7.

The Islamic ideological basis for hudna is based on the Hudaybiyyah agreement of 628, which Muhammad signed with the Quraysh tribe of Mecca when his forces were inferior to theirs. After two years, the agreement was breached  and Muhammad conquered the city of Mecca, even though the hudna was supposed to last 10 years. https://lnk.sk/yekw 

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